Der Kosovo ist der jüngste Staat Europas. Als das Land am 17. Februar 2008 seine Unabhängigkeit von Serbien erklärte, feierten nicht nur die Menschen in Prishtina – in zahlreichen westeuropäischen Städten jubelte die Diaspora mit. Auch in der Schweiz: Gut 150’000 Kosovarinnen und Kosovaren leben hier; sie zählen nach den Italienern, Portugiesen und Deutschen zu
Ripe and Dissipative
I’m not going to explore the various successes and failures of immigration laws and migrant integration. Nor will I try to do a critique of today’s political choice, namely that of our inability to welcome all the world’s suffering, the latter in itself a problem that must be «controlled». We don’t live today in a
The Kosovo Albanian Diaspora
Migration is currently the hottest topic facing European governments. As some have suggested, the current crisis will define this decade. Migrants who depart their homelands are motivated by many reasons, most seriously by war and conflict as we see with the recent migrants from Syria. However, once migrants are settled in new host societies they
The Imminent Good Albanians
On a hot summer day, the quaint village of Grindelwald was basking in the sun in its full Alpian glory. Bikers cycled ahead, paragliders swooped in from the sky, dropping slowly from the tall mountains all the way down in the canyon. My uncle Ilir and his son Milot had decided to show me the